
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
0207 572 2353

Other Organisers

Pharmacy Technicians of Colour
Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK
Female Pharmacy Leaders Network and Guild of Healthcare Professionals


Royal Pharmaceutical Society
66-68 East Smithfield

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Aug 08 2024


5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Royal Pharmaceutical Society: Free to be Me – South Asian Heritage Month

Join us at the RPS London office on 8 August to celebrate South Asian Heritage Month!

We are excited to again be hosting our annual profession wide South Asian Heritage Month celebration event in collaboration with:

  • Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK)
  • British Pharmaceutical Students Association (BPSA)
  • Female Pharmacy Leaders Network (FPLN)
  • Pharmacy Technicians of Colour (PToC)
  • Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists (GHP)

This year’s theme is Free To Be Me, with a medicine spin. Our Keynote Speaker Stuart Anderson, a pharmacist, RPS Fellow, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacy History at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and author, will be talking about the colonisation of pharmacy across the British Empire ‘Pharmacy in Great Britain and Indian Sub-continent during the Age of Empire’.

Together, we will be:

  • Hearing about the colonisation of Pharmacy within the British Empire
  • Exploring the intersection of South Asian traditional medicine and western medicine, considering how we can use them in a complimentary manner.
  • Hearing from South Asian pharmacy team members of how they feel free to be themselves in the workplace, the challenges they have experienced and the successful contributions they have made to the profession.

Join us to learn, share, celebrate and network with colleagues. 


5.30pm – Arrival and registration
6.00pm – Welcome and introductions
6.10pm – Stuart Anderson – Pharmacy in Great Britain and Indian Sub-continent during the Age of Empire

6.40pm – Panel discussion and Q&A
7.00pm – Drinks reception
8pm – Close

As part of the celebrations we want to highlight the positive contributions made by South Asian individuals within the profession! Find out more here!

The event is finished.