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South Asian Heritage Trust Volunteer Policy



The South Asian Heritage Trust exists to raise the profile of British South Asian History and Heritage in the UK through education, arts, culture and commemoration with the goal of helping people to better understand the diversity of present-day Britain, as well as improving levels of social cohesion between the various communities. 

In line with this mission, the South Asian Heritage Trust seeks to involve volunteers to:



This Volunteering Policy is underpinned by the following principles:

Practice guidelines

The following guidelines deal with practical aspects of the involvement of volunteers.  More detailed information, including copies of the various documents referred to, is provided in The South Asian Heritage Trust’s Volunteers Handbook if available.


All prospective volunteers will be interviewed to find out what they would like to do, their skills, and suitability, and how best their potential might be realized.  

Volunteer agreements and voluntary work outlines

Each volunteer will have a volunteer agreement establishing what The South Asian Heritage Trust undertakes to provide them.  In addition, they will agree to a written outline of the specific work they will be undertaking.  Neither of these documents is a contract; The South Asian Heritage Trust has no intention of creating a contract with any volunteers.  Each volunteer will also receive a Volunteers Handbook.


All volunteers will have their travel and other expenses reimbursed when pre-agreed.  Volunteers working a minimum of five hours per day will be able to claim expenses for lunch.

Induction and training

All volunteers will receive an induction into The South Asian Heritage Trust and their own area of work.  Training will be provided as appropriate.  Where possible volunteers will be entitled to receive additional training on the same basis as any paid staff.


All volunteers will have a named person as their main point of contact.  They will be provided with regular supervision to feedback on progress, discuss future development, and air any problems.

The volunteer’s voice

Volunteers are encouraged to express their views about matters concerning The South Asian Heritage Trust and its work.

Health and Safety

Volunteers are covered by The South Asian Heritage Trust’s Health and Safety Policy, a copy of which is in the Volunteers Handbook.

Equal opportunities

The South Asian Heritage Trust operates an equal opportunities policy in respect of both paid staff and volunteers.  A copy is in the Volunteers Handbook.  Volunteers will be expected to have an understanding of and commitment to our equal opportunities policy.


We aim to identify and solve problems at the earliest possible stage.  A procedure has been drawn up for dealing with complaints either by or about volunteers.   A copy of the procedure in included in the Volunteers Handbook.


Volunteers will be bound by the same requirements for confidentiality as paid staff.

Implementation Date: 14/10/2022

Review Date: 14/04/2023



This Good Practice Information Sheet is produced by Voluntary Centre Services for you to adapt to suit the needs of your organisation. Please note that Voluntary Centre Services do not accept any liability for how it is used.