About Us – Born to RAUR

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We are a Sikh family. Naminder (mum), Davinder (dad), Arun (eldest son) and Jeevan (youngest son).

We launched RAUR back in April 2023. We’ve had to down tools during to a serious illness but are pleased to say we’re back on it now. We’ve had the opportunity to meet wonderful people and exhibit at great events such as The Sheru Classic (Excel), Coventry Vaisakhi Sport Event and Milton Keynes Ethnic Business Community (South Asian Heritage Month).

Whilst RAUR is a heritage brand the clothing is for everyone – we are selling to a diverse customer base!

Made from recycled materials with super-soft fit and feel the feedback has been great.

We are a sponsor of the Sikh Games (planned for August 2024) as well as sponsoring British boxer Dylan Cheema.

We are also developing the brand around important issues to us for example mental health in order to encourage our people to talk about this.

As well as unisex t-shirts, leggings and bras available now we are developing a new hoodie which is expected to be available in September…stay tuned. Please follow us @raur_clothing

Please take a look and support us – we also ship internationally!

This is our story.

Physical fitness and sports have always been associated with Sikhism. As a family we’ve tried to adopt this with both parents qualifying as FA football coaches while the children were young. In recent years the children have taken this on by working out in the gym and with long distance running. With Maharaj’s Kirpa, while we have our health, we are and want to remain very active…not least because some of us really enjoy langar!

Like many Sikhs the gym is a regular destination and a source of both physical development and mental wellbeing. It was here we saw people from all walks of life wearing a whole range of varying gym clothing. However, we didn’t feel the clothing really represented us as Sikhs…and this was a gap we wanted to plug.

RAUR was born.

Using our Sikh designers, we developed our logo and navigated the route to trademark it. Would you believe we had an objection from Jaguar – it looked too similar to theirs they said. We weren’t sure about that but didn’t feel our pockets were big enough to double check!! So, we revisited the logo and with a blend of Singh, Kaur and Roar we now have the live logo, successfully trademarked.

Through a range of market research and sampling we have developed our initial range which is now in production. Our local photographer, who is also a Sikh, is on standby for the photo shoot.

It’s exciting times! And the opportunity to work with The Sikh Games is wonderful and not one that we wanted to pass by. So here we are. The next few months will be very busy, but we can’t wait to bring RAUR to market.

When we train, we RAUR!






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