Echoes of Bengal: Celebrating Bangladeshi Heritage
A vibrant celebration of Bangladeshi heritage. Whether you have roots in Bangladesh or simply wish to experience its rich culture, join us for a day full of everything from a presentation by Sisters in Islam Youth Club exploring the experiences of the first generation of Bangladeshi’s who came to Enfield following the 1960s, a special […]
What Will People Think? Hackney Libraries in conversation with Vedashree Khambete-Sharma

To celebrate the opening of South Asian Heritage Month 2024, Hackney Libraries in association with Atlantic Books present In conversation with Vedashree Khambete – Sharma. For this exclusive event, Khambete-Sharma will be discussing her writing process including a reading from her upcoming book What Will People Think, with Sawda Pirbhai from Atlantic Books. A warm […]
Chhavi’s Journey: Embracing ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ – The World as One Family

As we celebrate South Asian Heritage Month with the theme ‘Free to Be Me’, I reflect on my unique journey and the challenges I’ve overcome as a South Asian woman. Growing up, there was an expectation that I would pursue a traditional career in engineering, medicine, law, or accountancy. While I did study engineering initially, […]
Relevance of Natyashastra

South Asian Heritage Month marked by Sanskruti Centre July 2023 Sanskruti Centre for Cultural Excellence, an arts charity based in the UK marked the South Asian Heritage Month with an important talk on the relevance of Natyashastra- the ancient Indian classic on performing & creative arts. Organised at the Nehru Centre recently, the event had […]
Dr Anisha Patel – I was diagnosed with bowel cancer at 39

Getting diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer at the age of 39 was a real shock. I’m a GP, active mother of two and always been fit and healthy. I don’t have a family history of cancer or any risk factors, so how could it happen to me? As a doctor, perhaps I played down […]
Met Police Recruitment and Attraction Session

Calling out to the South Asian Community! Come to our recruitment and attraction session to learn about and pursue a career in the Met Police.
Partition memories exhibition in SOAS Library

Farzana’s father’s Partition survival memories are gathered too in this space, alongside some archival photographs. She also shares extracts of her paternal Uncle’s manuscript, where he reflects on homesickness for relatives as he remained in India, while the rest of his family all left for Pakistan. Citizenship, borders and visas are examined in this commemoration of the largest mass migration recorded in human history.
My journey: From light into darkness!

‘I am the unlucky one’ I said to the Consultant. I was sobbing away on my own with nobody to hold my hand or support me. Where did I go wrong? What had I done? I always helped everyone – young old, needy and desperate. So why did it have to be ME? I didn’t understand.
About Us – Born to RAUR

We are a Sikh family. Naminder (mum), Davinder (dad), Arun (eldest son) and Jeevan (youngest son). We launched RAUR back in April 2023. We’ve had to down tools during to a serious illness but are pleased to say we’re back on it now. We’ve had the opportunity to meet wonderful people and exhibit at great […]
The Partition Of India and Pakistan – Our Collective and Intergenerational Trauma is the price we pay for freedom

Research studies have validated that trauma experienced by our Ancestors can live on in our DNA thanks to epigenetic inheritance. Read my account of carrying intergenerational trauma from the partition of India and Pakistan here.