The Partition Of India and Pakistan – Our Collective and Intergenerational Trauma is the price we pay for freedom

Research studies have validated that trauma experienced by our Ancestors can live on in our DNA thanks to epigenetic inheritance. Read my account of carrying intergenerational trauma from the partition of India and Pakistan here.

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“Many reading this may be familiar with the partition of India and Pakistan in the year 1947, following the end of the 200 year British Raj (Rule). Many may not be as familiar with the devastation and tragedy which impacted the people of India, leading up to India’s Independence on the 15th of August, 1947…

Research studies have validated that trauma experienced by our Ancestors can live on in our DNA thanks to epigenetic inheritance.

Read my account of carrying intergenerational trauma from the partition of India and Pakistan here.

Three generations on from my great-grandparents who were killed during the partition, we are still trying to heal the wounds of our collective trauma.

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